Growth and Personal Development

What Is Life Coaching?

“Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”  -International Coaching Federation

Life coaching empowers you to identify and set goals, overcome obstacles, successfully move through life from one chapter to another or any areas you may feel stuck in, and fulfill hopes and aspirations.  Coaches walk alongside clients as an objective listener, offer support and guidance, and implement proven tools to help you move forward from life’s challenges and achieve your goals and aspirations.  Life coaches help you move from where you are to where you want to be.

What Is Christian Life Coaching?

“If you’re a Christian, seeking to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, you’ll approach every aspect of your life from this perspective. Your commitment to Christ will impact your marriage, parenting, lifestyle, values, spending, time management, vocations….” -Gary Collins, Christian Coaching.

Christian life coaching combines all the key aspects of life coaching with the addition of finding your deeper sense of purpose and meaning. Christian coaching is centered on the biblical belief that God has a specific purpose for you. Christian coaches help you to identify God’s plans for you, know your God given strengths, gifts and talents, anchor yourself in God’s truth, and transform you into who you are meant to be. Christian life coaches help you move from where you are to where God wants you to be. -Center for Christian Coaching

What Is The Distinction Between Counseling and Life Coaching?

Counseling delves into the past, explores the subconscious and unconscious mind, assesses and diagnoses problems, and works to resolve deep emotional and mental conflicts or illness.

Life Coaching focuses on where you are today and where you want to move in the future, guides clients to identify and clarify goals and aspirations, and explores and overcomes obstacles in order to achieve their desired results.

“The goal of life coaching is to help you get ‘unstuck’. Life coaching is about action and results. Life coaches measure their client’s success with key performance indicators and specific behavior outcomes. They’ll help you set SMART goals, provide accountability and celebrate your wins -all on the road to achieving your dreams.” -Tony Robbins

Common Reasons Individuals Seek Life & Christian Coaching

Life and Christian Coaching offer a collaborative process that involves setting goals and aspirations, identifying obstacles, and developing strategies to overcome and move forward. Individuals may seek coaching for many different reasons. Some of the most common reasons individuals seek coaching can be found here.

  • You are feeling stuck and want help moving forward.
  • You have not been yourself since the pandemic and want to thrive once again.
  • You find yourself feeling unlike your usual self, you have lost that joy and inner peace and want to gain that back.
  • You recognize a pattern in your life that you want to change.
  • You have a dream or aspiration that you want to pursue and need help actualizing it.
  • You hope to find new ways to enrich your relationships, personal and/or professional.
  • You feel anxious about some areas of your life and desire to work on rectifying this.
  • You seek more structure and a healthy routine for your life.
  • You are in a new season of life and need support finding clarity and navigating what comes next.
  • You are seeking a deeper, renewed, or new connection with God or living a purpose-filled life.
  • You are looking to improve your overall health and well-being.
  • Life seems extraordinarily busy and you are seeking to find more time for yourself or more of a work and life balance.
  • You are experiencing small or seemingly insurmountable challenges that you want to overcome.
  • You want to thrive, to feel and experience daily peace, joy and hope.